The boat is booked when the Owner ( Canalways Ireland ) has received a completed and signed booking form, with the deposit, and acknowledgement has been sent to the Hirer. The deposit is 50% of the hire fee and is non – refundable subject to terms and conditions contained in the accompanying Hirer’s Cancellation Scheme.
The Hirer is responsible for the whole hire fee and the balance must be paid to the Owner 8 weeks before the cruise commences. Should the Hirer cancel the booking, he must notify the Owner in writing 4 weeks prior to start of the holiday, the Owner will try to re – let the boat at a charge of 10% of the hire fee, but if unsuccessful the Hirer remains responsible for the balance. See Hirer’s Cancellation Scheme.
The craft may be booked as stated on the booking form. Time of taking possession is normally between 16.00 and 18.00 hours. ( Subject to unavoidable delays ) If this is not suitable special arrangements can be made provided these are agreed in writing beforehand.
Barges must be returned in a clean condition to the Owner by 9.30 a.m. on the last day of the cruise, or as otherwise arranged in writing . Failure to comply with this condition will involve an additional charge, 50 euro per hour or part thereof. After checking in and the cruiser is found to be clean and undamaged the security deposit will be refunded. Hirings normally commence and finish at the old canal store, Spencer Bridge.
Fuel surcharge is paid on arrival based on boat and chosen route.
The barge and its equipment are insured by the owner at his expense against accidental loss or damage.
The Hirer is responsible for the first 500 euro of all claims other than those caused by negligence on the part of the Owner. Further legal liabilities to third parties of the Hirer or the Owner are covered up to a limit of 1 million
euro, for any one accident.
Except when with the Owners’ skipper, the hirer is responsible for safe navigation and the correct operation of the barge, locks and moving bridges. In the event of an accident the Hirer shall tell the Owner as soon as possible and give details and names and addresses of witnesses. At no time shall the Hirer admit liability.
Members of the party must not exceed the no. of persons on the Booking Form. Any other passengers must not be carried. Hirers shall not cruise after dark and never cruise with less than two crew. The Owner is not liable for injury or travel disruptions to the Hirer and his crew. These are properly the subject of personal accident and travel insurance.
Bicycles are hired at customers own risk, and the owner will accept no responsibility for loss or injury sustained by their use.
On arrival the Hirer must produce his booking receipt and pay any balance and charges for any extras together with a refundable cash security deposit of 500 euro against loss or damage to the barge and its contents.
In the event of such loss or damage the Owner reserves the right to keep the deposit paid.. The Hirer should check the inventory of the barge. The Owner will give a demonstration of running the barge and manoeuvring through a lock. ( 40 mins approx) . It will then be the responsibility of the Hirer to request further information or instruction if he/she so requires, failing which he/she will be deemed to have accepted the instruction as adequate and to have accepted responsibility for the Barge and its equipment for the hire period.
Every precaution is taken to ensure that the barge is in a serviceable condition. Repairs and service are the responsibility of the Owner, unless made necessary due to the negligence of, or misuse of, the barge or its equipment by the hirer, his party or any person invited on to the barge by him. In the event of a breakdown the Hirer should telephone the Owner and immediate steps will be taken to effect repairs. There shall be no liability on the Owners behalf for any loss of time arising from any cause whatsoever. No barge may undertake towing , except in case of an emergency. If repairs become necessary they must not be carried out by any other firm without the authority of the Owner.
The owner cannot be held responsible for delays caused by obstruction or closure of the canal system, repairs to navigational works, floods, ice, etc., and reserves the right to restrict cruising waters if hazardous conditions prevail. No barge is to go below Portumna Bridge, Athlone Railway bridge, 12th Lock Lucan, or St Mullins Lock. Insurance policies are not valid beyond these limits.
Owing to circumstances beyond the control of the Owner, if the barge booked is not available, the deposit will be refunded, but the Hirer will have no claim against the Owner. The Owner retains the right to recover any craft which may appear to have been abandoned, even if the Hirer should not have done so.
In the interest of safety of the Hirer, the Owner reserves the right to restrict the cruising range of the barge hired to persons, who in the Owner’s opinion, have not sufficient experience to navigate the River Barrow or the River Shannon. No financial adjustments will be made.
The Owner reserves the right to refuse to hand over the barge to, or terminate the cruise of, any Hirer who is not considered a suitable person to take charge of the barge, or who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Hirers should observe the regulations set out in the Conditions of Hire and the Owners Rules which are in compliance with the Shannon Navigation Act 1990, Bye Laws 1994 & Canals Act 1986, Bye Laws 1988. Hirers should observe the regulations of the canal and river authorities, and obey reasonable requests of the waterways officials.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the descriptions on the brochure are accurate. The owner cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracy that may exist.
The owner cannot be held responsible for delays in transfer services from or to airports or any other location to or from the Hire Base.
Will not be responsible for loss of or damage to, the Hirer’s or passengers property nor for personal injury to the Hirer or passengers. Cars left at our base will be at own risk.
You will see from our Conditions of Hire, in common with most Hire Companies in Europe, once you have booked the holiday craft you become responsible for the whole of the Hire charge, even if unfortunate circumstances prevent you from taking over the barge.
As with all reputable Hire companies, we have arranged a scheme to indemnify you from this liability. The scheme is entirely voluntary, but subscribing is advised as booking is normally made some time before the start of your holiday.
This cancellation scheme releases the Hirer from liability for the balance of Hire money due. In all cases of cancellation the booking deposit is forfeited to Canalways Ireland, however should the boat be re-let the whole of the booking deposit will be refunded.
The Owner must be notified of cancellation immediately, and no later than a day prior to the date of the charter. If you do not take out the scheme and you cancel, you must notify the Owner in writing at least 4 weeks prior to the date of the start of the holiday, and every effort will be made to re – let the boat. If successful the deposit will be refunded to the Hirer less a re – booking fee of 10% of the total hire fee.
If unsuccessful the Hirer will still remain responsible for the balance of the Hire charge. To participate in the Cancellation Scheme include the requisite premium with your deposit, noting this in the space provided on the booking form. The premium is 4% of the total Hire fee.